Our day is purposefully balanced to provide spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth opportunities. Children work on language development, creativity and art. Center times, as well as outdoor play, happen daily. The wonder of our Father’s world, and His great love for us is integrated into our program each day. The children participate in a monthly chapel time. Field trips happen 2 times a year so kids are able to explore outside of the preschool.
9:00-10:00 am Table Time
Literacy, math, and writing lesson, or small group activity.
10:00-10:15 am Circle Time
Welcome and opening prayer, calendar, weather, American and Christians flag pledge, introduction of topic/theme
10:15-11:00 am Daily Centers
Children choose from a selection of learning centers daily.
Centers include science, library, manipulative, puzzles, sensory table, blocks, writing center, easel/art, and dramatic play.
11:00-11:20 am Large Motor Time /Small Group Time
Children engage in a variety of indoor/outdoor large motor activities.
Literacy, math, and writing lesson, or small group activity.
(Class is divided up into two groups)
11:20-11:45 am Bathroom/Snack Break
Use the restroom, get a drink/snack, and prepare for Circle Time.
11:45-12:00 pm Circle Time / Departure
Bible story and prayer time.